10 days in Cyprus - Sardinian Warbler, Shrike & Hooded Crow

At the same I photographed the Stonechat along the hedge near our apartment, I also spotted my first Sardinian Warbler. My first glimpse of this bird was through the top of the hedge that the Stonechats were in. Although most of the bird is obscured you can clearly see its characteristic red eye.


Sardinian Warbler


A closer view confirmed it to be a Sardinian Warbler, rather than the similar Cypriot speciality - the Cyprus Warbler.


Sardinian Warbler


The next two images are of a Shrike which I found on a early morning visit to Paphos Headland. Again this was a first for me, and I was surprised how small these birds are too.






My final images from Cyprus are of a bird which I probably saw more than any other bird during my visit - the Hooded Crow.

I have seen Hooded Crows in Scotland before but never photographed one. Like all crows they are quite wary birds and difficult to get close to. Ironically I captured my first image from the first floor balcony of our apartment when it came to sit a tree close by.


Hooded Crow


Hooded Crow


This final image is a flight shot of a Hooded Crow, again near our apartment complex.


Hooded Crow


Further images can be found in the galleries for Warblers, Shrikes and Crows