10 Days in Cyprus - Kingfisher

One of the reasons we had chosen our particular apartment complex was the proximity to the sea. As well as all the obvious benefits, I had fond memories of early morning strolls on the beach in Lanzarote and the bird photographs I was able to take.

First impressions of the closest beach in Cyprus were not promising. The proximity of a number of very swish hotels made it seem unlikely that many birds would be around. But one afternoon during a family stroll, I spotted a pair of Kingfishers sitting on one of the hotel landing stages that stretch out into the sea. I decided to come back the next morning to see if they were still there.

Kingfishers are one of my favourite birds. They are striking birds, with beautifull colouring, but I have had very limited opportunities to photograph them (indeed in the UK you need a licence to photograph Kingfishers near their nests). They are also remarkably small, something I seem to forget when I havent seen one for while.

I soon found a Kingfisher, a nice female bird with the characteristic red lower mandible on the bird's beak. Using my camera on a monopod I slowly approached it as it flitted amongst the rocks, diving into pools left by the sea to grab fish. I had no camouflage or cover whatsoever. My first couple of approaches caused the bird to move a metres further down the beach, just too far away to photograph. But it was comfortable with me being there and soon ignored me and concentrated on fishing. Seemingly one of the benefits of the nearby hotels was that this bird was used to humans, and allowed me to get quite close.


Female Kingfisher


Female Kingfisher

Female Kingfisher

Female Kingfisher

Female Kingfisher


For more Kingfisher images please click here