June 2011 - Damselflies

Having used Live View when photographing Burnet moths I thought I would try it out on Damselflies. After all, by their very nature, Damselflies are quite small, needing a close approach, and often need you to get into some uncomfortable photography positions.

Whisby Nature Park is a well developed nature reserve on the outskirts of Lincoln, centred on some disused gravel pits. A few years ago, when I lived in Lincoln, I used to visit quite frequently. I have long since moved away but now work in Lincoln, allowing a couple of visits during June on the way home  from work. 

I have yet to really explore Whisby in any great depth. The following photos were obtained on two separate occasions, one windy, with variable sunshine and cloud, the other still but dull.

The first image is of a Blue Tailed Dameselfly.

Blue Tailed Damselfly

The second set of photos are of Common Blue Damselflies, first the male, then the female.


Common Blue Damselfly (male) Common Blue Damselfly (male)

Common Blue Damselfly (female)

The next two images are of Azure Damselflies, again male and female (the male was actually taken at Castor Hanglands on the same night as the Burnet moths)


Azure Damselfly (male) Azure Damselfly (female)























I have yet to identify the final species. Please let me know if you have any ideas.

For more Damselfly photos please click here