3 days in Northumberland - Sandwich Terns

Whilst Arctic Terns are by far the commonest Terns on Inner Farne, there is also a healthy population of Sandwich Terns. These birds, named after the location where they were first distinguished as a separate species of Tern (Sandwich in Kent), are bigger, with a characteristic black beaks with a yellow tip.

The Sandwich Terns nest away from the paths in one particular are in the centre of Inner Farne. As such they are difficult to photograph sitting on rocks or posts, or with chicks. They do however fly constantly overhead on route to their nests, providing regular opportunities for flight shots. I spent much of my final afternoon on Inner Farne trying to capture these beautiful birds.   


Sandwich Tern

Sandwich Tern

Sandwich Tern


Sandwich Tern

Sandwich Tern


Sandwich Tern


Sandwich Tern



For more Sandwich Tern images please click here