3 Days in Northumberland - Kittiwakes

One of the noisiest birds on the Farnes is the Kittiwake, with the charcteristic call of "Kitt- i-wake" all around you. The adult birds can be also identified by their plain yellow bill (no red markings as in some other gulls) and black legs. In some ways, however I find the mottled patterns of the juvenile birds more interesting.

Kittiwake with Chick


Kittiwake with Chick


Kittiwake with Chick


These birds are quite gregarious and can often be found in large groupings. 


Kittiwake Family

Kittiwake Family


This final image is of a juvenile Kittiwake in flight.


Kittiwake in Flight (Juvenile)


For more Kittiwake images click here