August 2011 - Godrevy Lighthouse part 2

After a day looking out towards Godrevy Lighthouse I thought I would return later in the evening to photograph the lighthouse at sunset. This arrangement works quite nicely when I am on holiday with the family as I can help put the kids to bed, make sure Rachel has a glass of wine and then go and take some photos.

I chose to drive right down to Godrevy Point and park in the National Trust Car park. This is an ideal location with easy access to close views of the lighthouse. Please however beware - the car park is shut at 10pm - not a problem in August but when photographing sunsets in July this can leave things a bit tight!! The lighthouse itself is on an island just off the headland, cut off by the sea at any state of tide. The amount of foreground rock however, is very much dependent on the tide. Low tide provides opportunity to photograph a range of rock formations as well as the lighthouse. High tide provides dramatic waves crashing against the rocks even when the weather is quite still. I prefer to go at high tide - when combined with slow shutter speeds you can also create some intersting images including a "misty" sea.   

The forecast was for fine weather - in fact it was a bit too fine! Blue skies are not the best for photography anyway and the position of the sun in relation to the lighthouse caused huge flare problems until the sun hit the horizon. It would have been nice if there had been a few clouds for the sun to hide behind.

With waves crashing against the rocks I like to compose an image and then takes a series of photos by simply keeping the shutter pressed down (using a remote release). The following images are part of a longer series that you can find in the main gallery for Godrevy. 

Godrevy Sunset Godrevy Sunset























Godrevy Sunset Godrevy Sunset

























Photography was a lot easier once the sun had hit the horizon.

Godrevy Sunset Godrevy Sunset























Godrevy Sunset



Godrevy Sunset


Godrevy Sunset

I like the effect that long shutter speeds have on the clouds as they move across the sky.


For more images of Godrevy Lighthouse at sunset please click here